[plug] X-Mas present

Matt Kemner zombie at penguincare.com.au
Sat Oct 19 09:45:50 WST 2002

On Sat, 19 Oct 2002, quoth Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima:

> As you've said the webserevr would be a good choice.  If it comes with enought
> HDD then I suggest we also make it an NFS serevr an x-mount /home to the
> existing spark.  Spark could then be primarily an email server.

Yup, very good idea. The X-Box comes with either 8 or 10 GB

> Pick Me!  I've already gotten Linux runing on a MIPS box (althoight I think
> the xbox is mips_sel).  It's my hobby to but linux on non-x86 boxes whenever I
> can get one :)

Ditto :) but the X-Box is x86 through and through (this is Microsoft,
remember?) - it's a Celeron 777.  As you said, the hardest part is getting
the initial install going, after that you can apt-get to your heart's

 - Matt

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