[plug] [OT] big email delays?

Ben Jensz plug at jensz.id.au
Wed Dec 3 17:04:55 WST 2003

Craig Ringer wrote:

> Ditto. I got tired of iiNet's unreliable, slow mail servers and lack 
> of any kind of spam filtering or tagging. It's one of the best moves 
> I've made in a long time.
I didn't so much do it because of unreliable mail servers etc.  Just 
that it had been like that since before I started.  They've always had a 
local mail server, so most staff who've been here a while were used to 
sending around 1 or 2Mb files to each other via email and it being there 
straight away, and since we only had ISDN previously, that going in and 
out would've clogged up the ISDN big time.

> Cyrus + exim + sendmail + MimeDefang + Spamassassin - works great.
Postfix + Amavisd-new + Spamassassin + A/V.

> Yes, exim + sendmail. I use an exim box for initial delivery and 
> queuing, then it hands messages on to the sendmail box running cyrus 
> etc. That way my IMAP server isn't exposed to the 'net, and I can have 
> a more secure MTA as a buffer to prevent direct attacks on sendmail.
I just have one box as the mail/web server machine.... its going to need 
replacing soon though, but I'm still looking at options for that atm and 
I'm still considering which distro to put on it (its currently Red Hat 
7.2 IIRC).

/ Ben

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