plug at plug admin role [was: Re: [plug] PLUG Talks Coordinator Role]

Matt Kemner zombie at
Tue Dec 16 21:05:20 WST 2003

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, quoth James Devenish:

> I've noticed people mentioning, on this list and off it, that they have
> various minor but ongoing problems / requests outstanding with this
> list. Might it be pragmatic to have some people with spark access
> and mailman admin access, to share the list admin role?

Yes please!

I tend to get snowed under, and then when I finally remember to check the
PLUG mailman admindb, have to spend hours sorting through all the SPAM
(like right now, 268 "postings held for approval", most of them SPAM.

Anyone willing to help please contact me, and I'll set up the plug-admin
alias accordingly and give you the mailman password.

Multiple people would be good - many hands make light work, and all that.

I nominate James, Cameron and Craig since they appear to get the most use
out of the list ;) (and seem to have the most spare time)

 - Matt
(snowed under PLUG ListAdmin)

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