[plug] installing LAMP

Leon Blackwell leon at lostrealm.com
Wed Dec 24 09:30:36 WST 2003

On Wed, Dec 24, 2003 at 09:20:45AM +0800, smclevie wrote:
> The standard installs from .deb files is not suitable as the installations 
> are minimalist and do not have the linking required.

I think you'll find that there are packages for just about anything you
might need.  Could you explain what exactly is not available in the
standard packages that could be achieved by compiling directly frm

You may find that there are other "non-minimalist" packages for your
requirements (although I personally have no trouble with the standard
apache/postgresql/php4 packages in both debian/stable and

 Leon Blackwell                | A Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
 http://www.lostrealm.com/     | is to computing what a McDonalds
 jabber:lionfire at lostrealm.com | Certified Food Specialist is to fine
                               | cuisine.

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