[plug] [IMPORTANT] AGM Announcement

Tim Bowden bowden at iinet.net.au
Tue Feb 4 08:19:18 WST 2003

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 02:24, Colin Muller wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been looking after the PLUG Web content (posting, for the most
> part, a story a day, and troubleshooting when the site goes bad) since
> about April/May last year. I think I'll stop now. So along with all
> the other nominations, could someone nominate someone to do this job?
> It's not much: about 30-60 minutes of research a day to find a story
> which is not just random, but may actually be of interest to PLUGGers,
> based on the subject matter which passes by this list.
> Colin
A job well done Colin.  I'm sure it is appreciated by all.  Without
someone taking the time to do this the plug site would look mortuary
bound.  If the Linux community is to appear vibrant and alive (which it
certainly is) then we need to show this to the world.  My first
introduction to plug was via the web site as I am sure is the case with
many others.  A good first impression here is important to understanding
the nature of the linux community.

Tim Bowden

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