[plug] samba connection problems

Craig Foster fostware at iinet.net.au
Sun Feb 16 12:33:44 WST 2003

I'm late to the conversation, but try this...

E-Smith by default enables WINS server and then defaults to WINS for
name resolutions first.
(/etc/smb.conf - "wins support = yes" and "name resolve order = wins
lmhosts bcast")

Try adding "wins server =" to the redhat box. This will
force redhat8 to ask e-smith for the master browser list. It also limits
the problem of WinXP caching netbios names long after machines have
disappeared. By default samba tries to keep it's own MBL and combined
with e-smith doing the same  there may be to lists of netbios names
floating around. 

(don't forget the "service smb restart" :)

This happened to me when a clients nice heterogenerous Linux / Win2K AD
system fell over. The Windows side came back to talking to Win2K only
and therefore wouldn't play nicely with either Samba or it's login
system (Winbind). Turning on WINS support *made* them talk nicely, and
it's running as it should now.

I'd like to hear what "net view \\" and "net view \\server2"
produces (listing shares on a server), and also "nbtstat -n" (listing
netbios names chaced on Windows) and "nbtstat -A" (list
netbios names given the server's IP address)

You could also rename the machine samba log, retry connecting, and then
you can concentrate on the log of just one connection, rather than all
this testing :)


Craig Foster
fostware at iinet.net.au (with SMIME) 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Quintin Lette [mailto:quintin at arach.net.au] 
> Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 11:58 AM
> To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
> Subject: Re: [plug] samba connection problems
> ok..
> As WIndows XP (and 2000) can use solely dns for resolution 
> try adding an entry 
> in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts which says:
>	Server2
> Sorry I have been trying to not modify anything on the XP box 
> but this should 
> tell us something (and might even work)
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