Seminar streaming (wasn't Re: [plug] Smoke and Mirrors)

Bernard Blackham bernard at
Mon Feb 24 12:34:10 WST 2003

On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 10:59:31AM +0800, Harry McNally wrote:
> I'm thinking that we could do the first seminar and do a seminar about
> doing the seminar. Bear with me here,

Hokay... *raises eyebrow*

> Alternatively, we could do the speex thing first to explain what we are
> doing for some future ones. That way, people on the list who can't get
> to the talk because they live remotely, can play with the whole setup
> beforehand and use IRC for problems so they are ready to roll for any
> future webcast ones.

Ahhh makes sense now :) 

> We will have to coordinate with the talks coordinator and cooperate with
> the venue organiser so we have the bandwidth. If ADSL is our venue link
> for all of this, can we co-opt a co-lo server at an ISP and "tee" (using
> whatever tools) all of the streams from there so we have a single stream
> from venue to co-lo server ? This might even a 56K allow outgoing traffic
> from the venue which would be more flexible.

This is what was envisaged for LCA but it never happened. I'll do
some playing around soon and see what I can make up. I've been
working on the speex plugin for XMMS, but the plugin for WinAmp I've
been told is horribly broken on the streaming side (haven't
confirmed that myself).

If we want a similar setup for VNC (one outgoing connection to a
main server that does the splitting), somebody feel like doing some
scrounging around for what there is? I haven't looked into all the
solutions from the URL that Leon's posted yet. Getting to that soon
too :)


 Bernard Blackham 
 bernard at blackham dot com dot au

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