[plug] dual boot - Windows reinstall

Richard Meyer meyerri at au1.ibm.com
Fri Feb 28 07:43:26 WST 2003

----- Forwarded by Richard Meyer/Australia/Contr/IBM on 28/02/2003 07:37 AM
                      clare at cyllene.uwa                                                                                             
                      .edu.au                  To:       plug at plug.linux.org.au                                                     
                      27/02/2003 03:11         Subject:  Re: [plug] dual boot - Windows reinstall                                   
                      Please respond to                                                                                             

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003, Cameron Patrick wrote:
  On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 11:06:13AM +0800, Leon Brooks wrote:
>> | If there's nothing you treasure on there, safest approach is to
>> | Windows first, then (re)install Linux, FreeBSD, whatever afterwards.
>> Yes.  I'm not sure whether all versions of Windows allow you to choose
>> size of the partitions it creates, though... urgh.

>I doubt if any does. After getting windows on, and degfragged if it has
>been there any length of time, you then shorten the Windows partition and
>that makes room for your linux.

The Win 98 SE I've got would honour partitions that already existed. There
was no way to tell it to only use a portion of the disk, but if you booted
up a Linux install first and did an <alt>-F2 to get a console and manually
ran fdisk and made the first partition a Win partition, it'd only install

The biggest pain I had was when reinstalling to a machine with 2 HHD's
where the second one had a Win partition in a primary partition as D:.
After the first reboot, it insisted that I mount the Windows CD on drive
D:, and no power on earth could change its mind. A quick change to the Bios
telling it that there was no second drive fixed that.


However in addition to shortening the partition, the FAT tables have to
be edited to match, as Windows will regard those as more useful than the
actual partitions I believe (and plough through your new partitions

I have been told that Partition Magic can do this (early version I had
would not). But fips20 which comes a part of Debian and probably others
does it very well. Fips20 was even able to slot partitions in between the
shortened windows and a Hibernate which I didn't want to alter.
It is near the top of the Debian mirror,


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