[plug] Starting OpenOffice individual components

Harry McNally harrymc at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Wed Jan 8 20:35:05 WST 2003

On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 08:54:08 +0000 Derek Fountain <derekfountain at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> On Tuesday 07 January 2003 07:40, Harry McNally wrote:
> > Dear PLUGers
> >
> > I cannot for the life of me remember where I found the command swiches to
> > execute the individual components of Open Office. I've Gogled (hmm Googled
> > even) and can't find it.
> >
> > I have a 64M system and the plan is to make better use of the memory.
> >
> > Any OOo ppl who have done this ?
> I have links on my desktop to "/opt/OpenOffice.org/program/swriter" and 
> "/opt/OpenOffice.org/program/scalc". They start the WP or spreadsheet 
> respectively. Is that what you mean?

Hi Derek

I had a look at these and they are simple sripts that launch the app in the
same way as Garry (re)discovered in the OOo FAQs.


The reason for this follow-up is that I'm not convinced that starting
individual components makes a wick of difference to the memory footprint.

I progressively rebooted the machine and ran top then either the whole OOo,
or scalc, swriter, etc and found that the swriter launch used about 400k
_more_ than running the whole OOo. I think these OO (object-oriented) factory
thingos must be factored in such a way that the whole shebang gets
instantiated regardless.

If you have time, do the Top And OOo Execute Challenge. I'd be interested
if other people find the same thing. It makes it easy if using OOo just
means starting the one app. I haven't bothered doing it any other way
until now.


linux.conf.au 2003		The Australian Linux Technical Conference
http://linux.conf.au/		22-25 January 2003 in Perth, Western Australia

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