[plug] fetchmail skipping messages

Russell Steicke r.steicke at bom.gov.au
Fri Jan 17 12:52:49 WST 2003

On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 12:40:54PM +0800, ryan at is.as.geeky.as wrote:
> I have fetchmail retrieving via POP3 for about 15 accounts.  No problems
> for months and now a couple of accounts show this:
> Jan 17 12:34:45 localhost fetchmail[583]: 2 messages (2 seen) for

Perhaps you need the -a flag (or fetchall keyword) to fetchmail.

Does this only happen after some other mail program has been in that

Russell Steicke

-- Fortune says:
A large number of installed systems work by fiat.  That is, they work
by being declared to work.
		-- Anatol Holt

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