[plug] rsync peer to peer style?

Jeff Williams jw at globaldial.com
Sat Jan 18 11:43:59 WST 2003

Trevor Phillips wrote:
> If I have one file on two machines, and I just want to make sure they're 
> identical (and if there's any problems, fix them), how easy is it to do 
> this with rsync:
>   - without using rsh/ssh
>   - without requiring special account knowledge
>   - with at least one of the two machines being a windows box
> Would it be easy enough to make up a script/alias/batch file to do this? 
>  (One for server, one for client...)

As far as I know rsync doesn't have a windows port so any rsync work 
will have to be done on the other box. Could you mount the windows files 
using samba and run rsync locally on the linux box?


/(bb|[^b]{2})/ that is the question.
GPG: http://www.globaldial.com/~jeffw/jeffw.gpg

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