[plug] html -> word using OO

Bill Kenworthy billk at iinet.net.au
Fri Jan 31 11:10:28 WST 2003

I might have to do that, but as I get around 150 emails a day and with 
the OO list (in the past) getting a high noise/sig I unsubscribed.  But
as a deadline approaches, looks like I might have to use something other
than OO at the moment if no-one here has any ideas.


On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 10:30, Jacqueline McNally wrote:
> Denis wrote:
> >In her reply to me, Jacqueline kindly mentioned the users at openoffic.org 
> >list to which I sent an e-mail but have as yet, no reply.   They might be 
> >more responsive for you on a straight-forward query though.
> If you are not subscribed to the users at openoffice.org list, you will not 
> see the reply :)
> users at openoffice.org is sometimes a high traffic list, and very responsive.
> Non-subscribers' posts are moderated, and sometimes can take a couple of 
> hours to come through. Moderation by real people was implemented late last 
> year to keep the lists free of virii and SPAM. It's a good list from that 
> point of view.
> If you do not wish to subscribe, you can search and browse the [users] list 
> and other lists from here:
> http://www.openoffice.org/mail_list.html
> You can also access some OpenOffice.org lists through gmane.org. I think 
> the [users] list is gmane.comp.openoffice.questions and [discuss] list is 
> gmane.comp.openoffice.general.
> Although I participate here, I encourage you to post your OpenOffice.org 
> queries to the appropriate OpenOffice.org lists, usually [users] and 
> [discuss]. There are many more people available listening on the 
> OpenOffice.org lists that can assist you wrt specific OpenOffice.org issues.
> All the best
> Jacqueline McNally
> http://mc2.vicnet.net.au/users/zenryaku/
> Community Contact, Australia/New Zealand
> OpenOffice.org Marketing Project
> (www.openoffice.org)
> Are you a computer angel? (www.ca.asn.au)
Bill Kenworthy <billk at iinet.net.au>

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