[plug] Another network question (IP Aliasing)

Tue Jun 10 14:20:26 WST 2003

On Tue, Jun 10, 2003 at 02:04:55PM +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
> > You can even do the tagging split with weighting, like this:
> > 
> >     route del default
> >     ip route add default scope global \
> >       nexthop via $GATEWAY1 dev eth1 weight 3 \
> >       nexthop via $GATEWAY2 dev ppp0 weight 2
> > 
> > This sends 60% of your outbound connections through eth1 and 40% through 
> > ppp0.
> Nice. Too bad there isn't an equally good way to distribute incoming 
> connections except things like round-robbin DNS that require planning 
> and take a while to activate. Othewise, I'd be picking this setup in an 
> instant as a way of doing dual 56k (or more) to an ISP that doesn't 
> suppport multilink, like our current one. Alas, most of our important 
> traffic is externally initiated (email, etc) so any tricky routing 
> policies on the local machine wouldn't do any good.

It depends on your setup, but you can maybe shift
certain services to a separate link?
e.g. all mail.

It's manual and requires planning (and provides no more redundancy
than a single link) but it is worth thinking about if bandwidth
is just too hard to get hold of another way.

There used to be a howto about it, but I can't
remember where it is just now.


Indranath Neogy
<indy at the-tech.mit.edu>

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