[plug] updating woody to 2.4.20

Onno Benschop onno at itmaze.com.au
Wed Jun 18 09:47:15 WST 2003

On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 09:28, Chris Caston wrote:
> Hello,
> I was able to do this quite easily with sid and apt-getting the package.
> I found, however, that there does not appear to be a 2.4.20 package in
> the Woody main apt archives. Should I just change my sources list to
> unstable and install it from there or should I install the kernel the
> manual way?

I'm running testing rather than unstable, which gives me a 10 day buffer
between a product release and it being available to me to download. If a
critical bug is detected in those 10 days, the package doesn't get into
testing - it has kept my machine humming along nicely.

If you're not the adventurous type at all, there are many documents
describing how to make a kernel the debian way. This involves getting
the actual source and building a .deb using make-kpkg, which just works
very nicely - be *sure* to read up about initrd, otherwise you may find
you have a non-bootable machine for a few heart-stopping hours :-)
(Basically because the .deb when installed tweaks some symlinks in the
root, which you then get to fix manually after booting from the rescue
disk :-)

Kind regards,

Onno Benschop 

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