[plug] [OT] After Year 12

Ben Jensz plug at jensz.id.au
Wed Aug 4 09:31:17 WST 2004

This is the problem with schools IMHO. They basically put so much 
pressure and stress onto students to do well in the TEE, and basically 
insinuate that if you don't get into Uni your life is over etc.

Seriously a load of rubbish.  A lot of students are in the situation 
you're in Tim.. not entirely sure where they want to go in their 
career.  So I reckon if you don't get into Uni going the TAFE route to 
get in will probably give you more of an insight and time to figure out 
what you really want to do with yourself.

I've personally done both the Cert III and Cert IV in IT.

/ Ben

chris wrote:

>On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 08:40, chris wrote:
>>And about the whole uni thing. 
>>A TAFE Cert IV in IT will get you into a lot of uni computing courses
>>and a Diploma will get you into almost anything.
>>Sometimes you can enroll directly into Cert III and have your Cert IV
>>finished in just 12 months. You can always enroll in a course for the
>>mid-year intake.
>Also a Diploma can sometimes get you an exemption for the first year
>which will save you a lot of uni fees.

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