Searching the archives - was Re: e-mail list etiquette again [was: Re: [plug] packaged brand-name PCs vs custom]
Bret Busby
bret at
Fri Jun 11 00:15:04 WST 2004
On Thu, 10 Jun 2004, Leon Blackwell wrote:
> In the header of every mail to this list:
> List-Archive: <>
> It is also linked from the PLUG website.
> While technically not searchable, you can use google to search for
> something specific:
A few days ago, I tried searching using google, with the strings
"digital camera" and "linux", and the results that were returned,
included entries from the SUSE and Mandrake lists, but nothing from the
PLUG list.
Bret Busby
West Australia
"So once you do know what the question actually is,
you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
Chapter 28 of
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
A Trilogy In Four Parts",
written by Douglas Adams,
published by Pan Books, 1992
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