[plug] Re: Upcoming changes to the ECI

Onno Benschop onno at itmaze.com.au
Thu Mar 25 10:15:17 WST 2004

Today I spent several hours on this problem and have learnt the
following things:
      * The ATO doesn't know about Linux and doesn't care
      * There is an ATO Business Portal <https://bp.ato.gov.au/> that
        supports lodging of BAS that works with the same key
        infrastructure as the ECI software
      * The ATO BP uses a Common Signing Interface (CSI) that requires
        Sun Java 1.4.mumble.
      * I installed the Sun Java JRE, got it to work with Galeon,
        installed the CSI (which thinks I'm using Mac OSX), used their
        management console (after tweaking the start-up scripts) to
        import my ECI key.
      * The BP now loads and doesn't complain about missing bits.
      * The login doesn't actually do anything.
      * The ATO states that I need to use their import routine -
        <http://pki.ato.gov.au/atocertificateimport/welcome.htm> which
        states that I'm using an unsupported OS. When I proceed anyway,
        it launches all manner of IE java crap and doesn't work.
      * I suspect I'm *really* close to making this work, but no cigar
        just yet.
      * I've managed to make the login-page progress by issuing a
        RenderCSIApplet() into the JavaScript console (which is what the
        page seems to do), but all I get is a blank screen.

Any other bright ideas?

Onno Benschop 

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