[plug] windows - a rant

Ben Jensz plug at jensz.id.au
Fri May 7 16:19:58 WST 2004

Randal Adamson wrote:

>However, M$ have produced some very good software. A lot of Linux
>products have copied their ideas; perhaps even improved on them. So I
>can't completely "bag" M$ out for their record over the years.
I wouldn't entirely say they've made some very good software.  But I 
would say that they have come up with some pretty good ideas, its just 
that their implementation of those ideas isn't as good as it 
could/should be.

But the other issue a lot of people have with Microsoft (other than the 
"buggy" / "exploit ridden" software issues) are that they design their 
software so that it locks out or makes it difficult for competitors to 
offer a alternative product that still may utilize Windows as an 
operating system.  Its an attitude of "all Microsoft or no Microsoft".

/ Ben

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