[plug] Skype ?

Arie Hol arie99 at ozemail.com.au
Mon Nov 15 21:50:42 WST 2004

On 14 Nov 2004 at 21:58, Christopher Whittaker wrote:

> The only thing that bothers me about Skype is not the actual  system , 
> but that the person behind the development of Kazaa is the same person 
> behind Skype. Given the "publicity" regarding the abuse of Kazaa,s 

There were two people involved in the creation of Kazaa, the name "Kazaa" is a contraction of their 
names. They were of either Swedish or Norwegian origin AFAIK.

I think that if you look at the history of the Kazaa software, you will discover that the original 
creators of Kazaa as we know it - divested themselves of their creation long before it became 
subject to the controversy that surrounds it today.

As with many things the original concept becomes transposed to suit more adventurous purposes such 
as the "illegal sharing" of copyright material. Don't blame the creators blame the users.

Regards Arie
 For the concert of life, nobody has a program.

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