[plug] Spamassasin Message Munging

Bernard Blackham bernard at blackham.com.au
Wed Nov 17 19:06:43 WST 2004

On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 12:49:57PM +0800, Timothy White wrote:
> I am wondering how to change the default behaviour of SA. I still need 
> it to add the X-Spam... Headers but I don't like it adding a large 
> portion of information to the top of the message. I am using spamc to 
> pipe it through from procmail.
> I would prefer if it would add the headers and not add body but provided 
> another way for me to see which rules triggered it and what score they 
> added/subtracted from the final score.

Newer versions of mailman don't do this by default (or is it just
Debian?), and instead encapsulate the original email inside a
wrapper. To avoid changing the subject, edit either
/etc/spamassassin/local.cf and add/change:

    rewrite_subject 0

man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf has more details.

> Also, in the emails that I am sending myself (the non spam test email 
> that came with SA) it is being marked as spam with the rule contributing 
> to it most being the Auto-whitelist adjustment[1]. It started at about 
> 300 and has gone down to 100 after sending the same non-spam email a few 
> times. What is it and how do I change it? I can see 2 binary files under 
> ~/.spamassasin that appear to be related to AWL, but I can't edit them.

In short, from Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf(3pm): the algorithm is to
track the long‐term mean score of messages for the sender. So if a
person has a history of non-spam, the he's gets a lower score in


 Bernard Blackham <bernard at blackham dot com dot au>

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