[plug] Re: Bind Question

Cameron Patrick cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au
Fri Jul 22 20:28:07 WST 2005

Mark B wrote:

>     every zone MUST have a different unique serial number

No.  Every zone must have its serial number increased every time it is
changed.  That way, secondary name servers know that the primary copy
has changed and that they need to pull in a new version of the zone.
If you don't have any secondary NSes, you don't need to care about the
serial number, but it's a good habit to get into updating it properly

Typical serial numbers are of the form YYYYmmDDxx where YYYY is the
year, mm is the month, DD is the day of the month and xx is the number
of times the zone has been changed that day (01, 02, etc).  So if I
went and updated one of my zone files tonight, I'd set the serial
number to 2005072201.  If I updated it again in an hour's time, it'd
get 2005072202.  And next Monday it'd be 2005072501.  And so on.


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