[plug] Making the internet work on Debian

Joong Cho joongcho at westnet.com.au
Tue Mar 1 20:56:43 WST 2005

Hello all,

How do I make the Internet work on Debian?

I am using NetComm NB1300 Plus 4 router and using the ethernet as a
connection with two computers hooked up. I have tried the #ifconfig function
and this is what I get:

eth0    Link encap:Ethernet    HWaddr: <addresscode>
           inet addr:    Bcast:
           UP BROADCAST RUNNING        MTU:1500    Metric:1
           < rest of the config here >

lo        Link encap:Local loopback
           inet addr:        Mask:
           < rest of the config here >

Everytime I type in an address on Mozilla, I get the following: < address >
could not be found. Please check the name and try again. I can't even ping
any sites outside except for my own, and only the loopback seems to work.

This is what I have under the /etc/hosts file:

fe00::0    ip6-localnet
ff00::0    ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1    ip6-allnodes
ff02::2    ip6-allrouters
ff02::3    ip-allhosts

I have tried rebooting the system and yet it won't work. Will somebody help

Also, since the March workshop falls on a holiday, will you guys still be
running or do you shut down on a public holiday. Public holidays will be the
best time for me to come along and ask stupid questions like this. :D


Joong Cho
Joong Cho Enterprises

Business: 9354 7178
Fax: 9354 7174

Web Site Administrator and Web Site Designer

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