[plug] Making the internet work on Debian

Mark O'Shea mark at musicalstoat.co.uk
Tue Mar 1 21:19:32 WST 2005

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 20:56 +0800, Joong Cho wrote:
> Hello all,
> How do I make the Internet work on Debian?
> I am using NetComm NB1300 Plus 4 router and using the ethernet as a
> connection with two computers hooked up. I have tried the #ifconfig function
> and this is what I get:
> eth0    Link encap:Ethernet    HWaddr: <addresscode>
>            inet addr:    Bcast:
> Mask:
>            UP BROADCAST RUNNING        MTU:1500    Metric:1
>            < rest of the config here >
> lo        Link encap:Local loopback
>            inet addr:        Mask:
>            < rest of the config here >
> Everytime I type in an address on Mozilla, I get the following: < address >
> could not be found. Please check the name and try again. I can't even ping
> any sites outside except for my own, and only the loopback seems to work.
> This is what I have under the /etc/hosts file:
> fe00::0    ip6-localnet
> ff00::0    ip6-mcastprefix
> ff02::1    ip6-allnodes
> ff02::2    ip6-allrouters
> ff02::3    ip-allhosts
> I have tried rebooting the system and yet it won't work. Will somebody help
> please?

Well you have a couple of things that could be going on here.  To see
which one is causing you trouble try pinging an IP address on the
internet and seeing if it works.

Firstly, and most probably considering some recent posts from you, is
that you might not have resolv.conf configured correctly.  This needs to
contain the nameservers that you wish to use as resolvers for your
machine.  I recall from earlier posts and archived posts from your from
some months ago that you were trying to change this file.  What were you
trying to change it to?  And if you don't know what it does, why?

Second is possibly your ip address is not on the same subnet as your
router, but as I also recall you were using dhcp, so chances are the IP
address was set by the dhcp server on the router.  This is therefore
unlikely to be the problem.  

Your /etc/hosts file is only showing names for IPv6 addresses, these
will have very little effect outside your machine unless your isp
provides IPv6 connectivity (or you use it locally yourself).  If you
want to put aliases in the hosts file to resolve to ip addresses you
will need IPv4 addresses (the more familiar aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd addresses)

I hope this helps to point you in a more correct direction.

Mark O'Shea

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