[plug] Nero launches a version for Linux.

Kev kdownes at tpg.com.au
Thu Mar 17 19:35:03 WST 2005

Onno Benschop wrote:

> in fact Nero normally 
> costs money - and I'm talking about a full version, not an OEM bundled one.

Yes, you're right.  The full Windoze version costs money - and that's 
exactly what you must have to get a free NeroLinux.  Don't pay your 
money for the full Wintendo version, don't use NeroLinux!  It's as 
simple as that.  And what's more, many/most Linux devotees don't have a 
use for the Windo$e version which they must purchase in order to claim 
their "free" NeroLinux.

> I was going to write: "So stop whinging and think a little before you 
> leap."

Maybe, just perhaps, stretching my imagination a wee bit, you should 
have a little think before committing to tripe such as the foregoing.

> But I'm sure that would upset some people, so instead, celebrate that 
> Ahead software is developing software for Linux, that it costs nothing

It does cost!!  It costs money!  You must spend the money on a 
registered full Window$ version before you can have NeroLinux.  Just 
read the info on the Nero site.

> and that it's another player in the Linux sand-box.

That's good!  But if you actually spent the few seconds required to read 
my previous post, I have no complaint about another player in the Linux 
sandbox, nor about paying money for good software.  What I don't like is 
the trumpet blowing about NeroLinux being free when it quite clearly isn't.

> /me ducks for flames...

Well, unless you can come up with something a little more thought out 
you deserve a few.

Kev Downes
kdownes at tpg.com.au  ph 0404 7 0808 2
Windows isn't the answer. Windows is the question. The answer is NO!
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