[plug] fetchmail on Debian, and security updates for Debian testing

Bret Busby bret.busby at operamail.com
Sun Apr 16 15:13:52 WST 2006

Hello, everyone.

1. The fetchmail problem

We recently did an upgrade on our mail server, which has been running Debian stable (3.1).

Then, fetchmail would not download messages, anymore.

So, in trying to ivestigate this, with searchs on the Internet, I found the fetchmail web site, at http://fetchmail.berlios.de/ , which says that fetchmail 6.2.x nis no longer supported, and is effectively dead ("On 2006-01-22, fetchmail 6.2.X has reached end of its life. No further releases of 6.2.X versions will be made and no bug reports for 6.2.X will be accepted unless the bug persists in the 6.3.X releases.").

The web page states that "On 2006-03-30, fetchmail-6.3.3 was released (this is the download link), fixing several bugs, among them two segfault bugs.".

On searching for "fetchmail 6.3" and Debian, the web page at http://packages.debian.org/testing/mail/fetchmail , was found, which, to me, indicates that, firstly, to run fetchmail 6.3.x on a Debian installation, the testing version is required, and, secondly, that fetchmail 6.3.2-2 is available as a Debian package for Debian testing.

However, it appears that fetchmail 6.3.x is available only for the unstable version of Debian Linux, and that, basically, for someone to run a mail server using Debian Linux, Debian unstable has to be used, as the versions of fetchmail that are available for Debian stable and testing, are no longer supported, and are regarded as dead by the fetchmail people.

>From what I understand, it is not a good idea, to use the unstable version of Debian, on a computer such as a mail server.

So, can someone please advise as to how we can get a supported version of fetchmail, running on a Debian Linux based mail server?

2. The security updates for Debian testing, problem

>From http://anarchogeek.com/articles/2005/09/12/debian-testing-gets-security-updates and 
http://lwn.net/Articles/151062/ , automated security updating is now available for Debian testing.

"The Debian testing security team is pleased to announce the beginning of full security support for Debian's testing distribution. We have spent the past year building the team, tracking and fixing security holes, and creating our infrastructure, and now the final pieces are in place, and 
we are able to offer security updates and advisories for testing."

However, in adding the provided URL to the apt sources.list file, and trying to do an apt-get update (while trying to rebuild the mail server) to get security fixes, a GPG error appears for the security updates release file.

We do not know how to deal with this GPG key error.

The public key is available on the web site, but we do not know what to do with it.

Please help.

Thanks in anticipation.

Bret Busby
Western Australia

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