[plug] Linux Compatible Phone

Senectus . senectus at gmail.com
Mon Jul 17 13:30:01 WST 2006

On 17/07/06, W.Kenworthy <billk at iinet.net.au> wrote:
> beware evo and the treo, or rather from the mailing lists at the time I
> was having problems, palmOS in general and syncing with linux/evo: I
> suffered lots of corrupted entries, and multiple (sometimes multiple
> multiple) copies of appointments and contact entries requiring manual
> recovery.  Syncing via pilot-sync to evo also didnt handle multiple
> contact lists properly (on a number of occasions it dumped everything in
> the default list, corrupting both and making a large amount of work for
> me.)  Nowadays I dont bother syncing with evo (I do use pilot-sync and
> j-pilot to install things and keep backups tho) :( , but you will have
> to pry the treo from my cold dead fingers (gawd its cold today!) before
> I'd swap it for anything something else currently available!
> Theres a new software update out for the treo's, so things might improve
> (I hope) after this is done, but looks like I need a doze machine to do
> it.

Well now I'm running blackberry on it I no longer need to worry about it :-P

Ubuntu Dapper 6.06
The less you know, the more you believe. - Bono

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