[plug] debconf 6, funding/ideas request

Paul Wise pabs3 at bonedaddy.net
Mon Mar 13 11:35:51 WST 2006

Hi all,

Anyone going to debconf6 in Mexico this year, or is anyone in a position
to be able to sponsor partial travel costs to allow a prospective WA
debian developer to attend? The organisers have informed me that they
haven't received as much funding as they would like. Since flights to
Mexico are more expensive from WA than from the east coast, they have
asked me to find ways to reduce the cost, such as finding extra funding.
Is anyone on this list in a position to be able to fund part of my
travel costs? Even small amounts from several people would be a great
help. Also, suggestions for finding cheaper flights or other places to
look for funding would be much appreciated. For example, should I
contact linux.org.au?


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