[plug] Debian broken

Tim Bowden tim.bowden at westnet.com.au
Tue May 1 12:23:53 WST 2007

On Tue, 2007-05-01 at 12:13 +0800, Tim Bowden wrote:


> If this has been your sources file all along, then you moved to etch the
> day it came out.  If you wanted to stay with sarge, then each occurrence
> of stable should have been replaced with sarge in the sources.list file.
> Personally, I think it is a failing with debian, to assume you will want
> to upgrade to the next release be default.  To avoid it in the future,
> change stable to etch, which will avoid this happening in another two
> years or so when debian upgrades again.
> It is normally a good idea to do a full upgrade before changing from one
> release to the next, but if you were upgrading regularly, this shouldn't
> be much of a problem.

This all assumes that you ran apt-get update/upgrade between etch coming
out and now.  Re-reading your initial post, it appears you didn't, in
which case you do in fact still have a sarge system.  My apologies if I
have mislead you.

> HTH,
> Tim Bowden
Mapforge Geospatial
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