[plug] Proposal to discuss @ AGM: Great Southern Area

Tim White weirdit at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 22:31:03 WST 2010

> It seems to me, to be an opportunity to get videoconferencing working 
> in WA, using Linux stuff like Ekiga (if anyone here has managed to get 
> it working - I haven't yet been able to get it working), which, in 
> itself, could be a sufficient reason to get virtual meetings operating.

My quick tests of Ekiga say that it should be fairly easy for us to get 
working. We can get a cheap webcam, maybe find out if we can get a 
cordless (lapel) mic hooked up to the machine as well, and use Ekiga to 
stream to the other side! I see no reason why we couldn't do this rather 


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