[plug] OT free hardware (old)

Adam Davin byteme-its at westnet.com.au
Sat Jan 9 21:20:16 WST 2010

Hi All,

I am cleaning out my "Spares". List of bits below, free to good home. I
am in Maddington

Slot 1 ASUS P2B mainboard and Genuine Celeron 300A. No ram, needs a
battery and video card (has agp slot) not sure if its working

Socket 7 P200 on AT style mainboard (has edo and sd ram slots) This was
a Rhino board from memory, Needs a battery. I possibly still have the
manual in pdf somewhere.. Not sure if its working

Slot 1 Gigabyte GA 6BXC Slot 1 and Celeron 433 S370 on a S370 to Slot1
Converter. Also has a S3 Trio AGP graphics card. Not sure if its
working. (I have one of these boards with a PIII 850 still working but
the kids are still using that one.. )

S370 Gigabyte GA 6VM7A and Celeron 433 S370 Has AGP Slot

All boards were working before they were pulled (albeit that was a few
years ago for some of them... ) 

Let me know if anyone wants it, Still cleaning so I will post any other
stuff that I find. 

Thanks and Regards, 


Adam Davin
Byteme IT Services
Mob: 0422 893 898
Fax: 08 9493 4462
Email: byteme-its at westnet.com.au

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