[plug] Finding which files reside in sector XYZ in a FAT filesystem [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Arie Hol arie2010 at ozemail.com.au
Tue Apr 19 01:37:20 WST 2011

On 18 Apr 2011 at 16:21, Tim wrote:

> So far the best I've got with this is running in scripted mode,
8<------------------ snip --------------------->8

 Any other ideas? I'm surprised that it's been so hard to find
> something like this.
> Tim

Have a look at a package of software utilities known as 'Convar Tools'.

>From : http://computer.meiergerhard.de/convar.htm

I used it recently to recover over 200GB of data from my daughters HDD, 
after her HDD failed during the hot weather. 

It is free software, for Windows.

It is made available by the German company that created it, this company 
came into prominance after the 911 disaster in New York, they even 
recover data from HDD's that have been totally melted down.

Read all about it on their web site.

But you will need to install the HDD as a secondary/slave drive in 
another Windows PC, then install the recovery sofftware on the same 

This software package is absolutely amazing - it will find "things" you 
might not have imagined - it will report the status of every 
file/fragment it finds. 

You just "highlight" the files you want and then  "Copy" and "Paste" into 
your chosen recovery folder.

Also consider a package named "Recover My Files", available free from :


Good luck and take care.............

Regards Arie
For the concert of life, no one has a program.

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