[plug] Mailing List Confusion

Tim White weirdit at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 08:43:57 WST 2011

On 15/12/11 10:18, James Bromberger wrote:
> On 15/12/2011 8:51 AM, clare johnstone wrote:
>> It was a bit confusing; Perhaps the error should refer to a
>> "non-subscriber to the list" rather than "non-member".
> Indeed, this is the issue.

Thanks for the great writeup James. I think we need to having something 
like that on a page on the website explaining the differences between 
mailing list and members. It /should/ be possible to customise some of 
the templates to have a link at the bottom? Also, if we edit that 
string, because we aren't doing lookups, it'll always return the english 
string (as it will no longer find a translated string in the .po files), 
then we just need to do a dpkg-redirect on that file so it doesn't get 
overwritten on upgrades (and document it so we know why it doesn't get 

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