[plug] re; locating a persons location via static ip address

Tim White weirdit at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 12:53:04 WST 2012

On 21/09/12 17:55, Jon Miller wrote:
> I've got a client that is having problems with a stalker that is 
> constantly sending him e-mails and text message  .  I know they are 
> using Hotmail and are on the Telstra Exchange on Wellington street.  
> Is there a way to locate them any further or does the client need to 
> take this to either Telstra or the police?  He has been to the police 
> and because she isn't doing a full on threat they will not allow him 
> to take out a Restraining order, but all these emails and text 
> messages she's sending is causing him and his family some grief.  The 
> stalker has sent hundreds of emails with different identities in the 
> name but from the same location (X-Originating-IP: [121.215.xxx.xxx) .

If they don't already know the stalkers identify, finding it out can be 
hard as the ISP (Telstra) can't give you that information. What they can 
do though, is investigate the "abuse" report you can send them, with 
evidence of the "abuse" coming from that IP. Short of that, you need to 
get the police involved. If you keep prodding electronically, you might 
find yourself on the wrong side of the fence with the law, both in 
privacy and "network" intrusions.

Text's can always be blocked by your phone provider. Email filtering 
shouldn't be too hard given they all come from the same ip address.

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