[plug] linux.conf.au LCA2014 in Perth

Bret Busby bret.busby at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 07:06:59 UTC 2013

On 04/02/2013, Luke John <luke.john at osmahi.com> wrote:
> Hey Bret,
> So the whole Idea of Mini Conferences is that they are run completely
> separate to the conference main.
> If you are interested in seeing a Mini Conference such as BSD occur,
> than please go ahead and take charge.
> Alternatively I suspect that this would be more suited for a BOF
> (birds of feather) session. Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions are an
> informal gathering of people interested in the same topic, not run by
> the conference organisers.
> Kind Regards
> Luke John
> email: luke.john at osmahi.com
> On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Bret Busby <bret.busby at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 04/02/2013, Bret Busby <bret.busby at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 04/02/2013, Paul Del <p at delfante.it> wrote:
>>>> Hey PLuggers
>>>> For those of you who are not yet aware of the good news. Linux.conf.au
>>>> will
>>>> be in Perth for 2014!!!!!! ;+)
>>>> We are running it Luke, Euan, Nick, myself and our AV team!!! Liam
>>>> Jason
>>>> etc(With James Bromberger's guidance)
>>>> Most people are LCA where very excited to be able to come to Perth
>>>> again.
>>>> It's been too long since the 2003 team run it.
>>>> We will be having a general chat about LCA2014 in the coming weeks. Who
>>>> wants to be involved as a volunteer(not matter how big or small)
>>>> We may be giving away some free conference tickets(So it may help to be
>>>> involved ;-)
>>>> Chat to you all soon
>>>> Paul Del
>>> Any dates for the event, yet?
>>> --
>>> Bret Busby
>>> Armadale
>>> West Australia
>>> ..............
>> Hello.
>> Another question just occurred to me.
>> It is not Linux, and, it is not an application that runs on Linux,
>> but, it relates to a family of operating systems that can (sometimes,
>> apparently) multiboot with Linux, and, may be regarded as having a
>> similar history to Linux.
>> What prospect would exist (if any), of a miniconference being
>> included, to deal with the various BSD's, such as PC-BSD?
>> I am not a user of BSD (I haven't been able to get PC-BSD running,
>> even though it is installed on one of my computers), but is could be a
>> kind of side mini-conference that could be of interest (and, it could
>> possibly inspire someone like the developers and/or support people of
>> versions like PC-BSD, to come and participate in the conference, which
>> could make for an interesting boost to the conference).
>> And, if a direct link to Linux, is required, it has just occurred to
>> me, while writing this, that I believe that, with Debian Linux,
>> versions of Debian Linux exist, that use a FreeBSD (rather than a
>> Debian) kernel, or, something like that.
>> So, I think that an inclusion of a component to deal with the BSD
>> kernel(s) that are part of some of the Debian Linux versions, if not
>> also a mini-conference about the BSD's, could be of interest.
>> So, I think that this could be of interest, and, pertinent to the
>> conference (and, could inspire the developers of the BSD's, to make
>> interfacing with Linux (in terms of file system formats compatibility
>> and boot loader compatibility), more easy, and, also, get them to be
>> inspired to participate as presenters, in the conference (?) ).
>> I have not attended a Linux Conference (Anne has, when it was last in
>> Perth, I think), but this could make it (or, at least such a
>> mini-conference), for me, even more appealling.
>> --
>> Bret Busby
>> Armadale
>> West Australia
>> ..............
>> "So once you do know what the question actually is,
>>  you'll know what the answer means."
>> - Deep Thought,
>>  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
>>  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
>>  A Trilogy In Four Parts",
>>  written by Douglas Adams,
>>  published by Pan Books, 1992
>> ....................................................


Thank you for the response.

I am not a member of the LCA2014 organising committee, and, I have no
experience or knowledge, pertinent to organising this kind of thing.

Is it okay for me to contact the people involved with PC-BSD, and, ask
whether they would be interested in participating as presenters?

Are you intending to have, as part of the primary (?) conference, a
component relating to the "Debian GNU/kFreeBSD" project?

Also, as asked in my previous message, are any dates arranged or
envisaged, for the LCA2014?

Thank you in anticipation, for your response.

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts",
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992


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