[plug] IT budget, software or techniques
David Godfrey
info at sbts.com.au
Tue Jun 21 10:32:45 AWST 2016
Hi Gregory.
On 20/06/16 13:13, Gregory Orange wrote:
> There's a couple of good looking options there, thanks. I'll try them
> and gnucash and see where I get to. Handy that all are easy to install
> (apt-get or unzip and configure).
> I'm feeling hopeful about ledgersmb because of how you described it,
> as well as an IRC channel. I've been using IRC a bit more in recent
> years.
Just a word of warning, the LedgerSMB package in the Debian "main"
Repositories is probably 1.3, DON'T install that.
Rather use the version available from http://apt.ledgersmb.org which is 1.4
There are significant improvements.
We have a team member who is working on getting 1.4 into the main debian
repositories, but as usual meeting the requirements to get a package
into main after release is non-trivial.
> On 19 June 2016 at 16:29, Paul Dean <paul at thecave.ws> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Have you looked at Pancake(https://www.pancakeapp.com/). It's more of an Invoicing/Expenses app with Project mgmt/tasks.
>> Very good for tracking howmuch you bill and spend and doing proposals and converting them into invoice/projects etc.
>> Does reporting and recurring invoicing(via cron).
>> They have good support and active in development.
>> --
>> Thanks
>> Paul Dean.
>> "Life is not WHAT you make it, it's WHO you have in it..."
>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016 16:14:35 +0000
>> Carl Gherardi <carl.gherardi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 at 12:05 David Godfrey <info at sbts.com.au> wrote:
>>>> Hi Gregory,
>>>> If I can suggest a piece of software that is OVERKILL, but will do what
>>>> you need and more.....
>>>> If you'd like to discuss this, or
>>>> http://ledgersmb.org
>>> It may not be overkill, it depends on the environment he works in.
>>>>> I wonder if y'all could recommend a method or some software to help me
>>>>> do some simple tracking of an IT budget. Currently I have a
>>>>> spreadsheet with two main worksheets:
>>> Why is it in a spreadsheet now?
>>> Are you self-employed? Or do you in a situation where someone else manages
>>> the ledgers?
>>> Once you want to start tracking the type of information below I dont
>>> believe there is a solution that ticks both 'low maintenance' and
>>> 'configurable and useable by people that aren't a CPA', particularly
>>> dealing with revenue recognition and multi-currencies.
>>> If you find one, i'd love to know it.
>>> Carl G
>> --
>> Thanks
>> Paul Dean.
>> "Life is not WHAT you make it, it's WHO you have in it..."
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