[plug] Systemd, good or bad
bishop.frog at gmail.com
Sun Sep 21 21:39:34 UTC 2014
As much as I want to care about SystemD, I find that it's incredibly fast
with bootup times.
Some people say that it's a turn for the worse, I think it's another good
option for another good cause. I think that Linux should always be about
modularity and user demand. If a person wants oranges instead of apples,
then so be it... Why do distro managers always try to make it easier by
just going down either A or B. It just cuts people out that might already
enjoy the distro. There are so many distros out there that Linux has become
obfuscated rather than a collaboration effort. Linus then wonders why it
hasn't won over the desktop, pretty easy to see why... As much as I don't
like SystemD, it grew on me once I got the hang of it.
A happy Arch user.
On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 6:56 AM, Bill Kenworthy <billk at iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Systemd caused one of the longest ever flamefests on the gentoo mail
> lists! - end result is openrc is still the default init but we have to
> put up with odd bits of systemd and its servants scattered through the
> system :( Systemd had a (very) few supporters but its more that its
> being forced on people against their better judgement.
> The reputation of the systemd devs is very poor due to pulseaudio so
> that is a black mark against it being just "accepted" - the battle lines
> have already been drawn - it will be interesting to see if redhats data
> centre business suffers irreparable damage as the resistance from server
> admins is very high against it.
> Keep in mind that "YOU", the typical user are just collateral damage -
> the target of systemd is the cloud. Fast boot, use it and and then
> throwaway the image when done is the target. Keeping an image running
> reliably for months is not a priority any longer (check out the use of
> "chaosmonkey" in the data centre). When people like gnome (another
> bunch of losers :) jumped on board it has twisted the market towards
> something that's just not appropriate for most individual users. I dont
> think I can hold out forever, but will do do so until its no longer viable.
> Dont like where your distro is going - choose another or build your own
> - give up and follow the sheep, you are lost!
> From a happy lxde, moving to lxqt, eudev and openrc user :)
> BillK
> On 08/09/14 06:13, Hani Jabr wrote:
> > It's not a couple of seconds, it's a few minutes when you have multiple
> applications that take time to start up, but can start in parallel. That
> is important on production systems.
> >
> > Systemd seems like a rubbish implementation of something that's long
> overdue on Linux. Every unix except AIX has implemented something similar.
> >
> > Hani
> >
> >
> >
> >> On 7 Sep 2014, at 23:49, Alexander <alex at spottedmouse.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Found some more details:
> >>
> >> http://www.tecmint.com/systemd-replaces-init-in-linux/
> >>
> >> I think this article makes a good case against systemd. Why do we need
> >> all this extra complexity for a couple of seconds we save during
> >> startup. Since when is the startup time a measure for anything. Maybe I
> >> am getting too old. Have fond memories of uptime being a measure for
> >> things. Reminds me a little of the time when a new version of windows
> >> was released, which had a faster startup time as a major feature.
> >>
> >>
> >>> On 03/09/14 14:56, Alexander wrote:
> >>> Just ran across : http://boycottsystemd.org/ and thought fellow
> pluggers
> >>> may be interested as well.
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